Thursday 15 April 2010

My Media Product

‘Expose’ is a fashion magazine design which I thought would be an interesting form of media product, to convey the key issue of ideologies being promoted to women in contemporary society.

Originally, many photographs were taken, but the posture and appeal of this particular shot seemed appropriate. In Photoshop, I firstly use the white balance and brightness settings to make the photography more edgy. Through use of layers, I then removed the background and carefully smoothed the edges. The text was then created and positioned accordingly.

The blue colour is enticing, which juxtaposes the serious tones of the grey text, which allowed me to convey a serious message. My connotations of ‘Expose’ consist of institutions, promoting ideologies, such as ‘appearance is extremely important’ through the selling of such media texts.

The subtitles include celebrity icons; Victoria Beckham and the Olsen Twins. These appeal to diverse female audiences, as they experience a sense of escapism (uses and gratifications). Women aspire to be like these celebrities. ‘Expose’ reinforces this notion, that women feel they need to seek such advice on fashion, from ‘stereotypical aspiration templates' like Victoria Beckham.

The incorporation of bold and italic phrases in the mise-en-scene creates a sense of urgency to the audience, making material things, such as glamour, fashion and men, appear important. The hypodermic needle theory refers to the audience and how they are metaphorically ‘injected’ with ideologies by the media. These are not criticised or rejected, but we are indeed, heavily influenced by them and will imitate what is portrayed on such magazine covers.

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