Wednesday 10 March 2010

Cezanne's "Mont Saint Victoire"

Cezanne’s Mont Saint Victore was given as a task to analyse the visual attributes used in the painting. There is a single point perspective and an open frame, which gives focus on the mountains, but awareness of the village and greenery. The rule of thirds can be identified by each of these, horizontally; the upper third is signified by the grey, mundane mountains and the middle is mainly the village leaving the bottom third as the greenery.

Each of these varies in terms of contrasting colours and tones. By use of blue Cezanne creates distance with the sky, as it is a receding colour. The warmth of the vibrant yellow village, allows the dark green to bring forward the trees, creating an intriguing atmosphere.

In terms of shape, Cezanne has used solid blocks such as triangular shapes which form the mountains. The use of geometric shape (including squares and rectangles) formed by straight brushstrokes, allows the painting to become more distinctive. Although the painting is plain in terms of structure, it does create a lot of depth and gives the audience plenty to consider.

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